Crawling and climbing soft robotJ.-S. Park et al. "Snap inflatable modular metastructures for multipath, multimode morphing machines," Cell Reports Physical Science 6, 102448 (2025)
Engineers develop soft robot that crawls, climbs, and shape-shifts to move in new directions, Tech Xplore, Feb. 11, 2025
꿈틀꿈틀 벌레로봇, 동아사이언스, Feb. 22, 2025
벌레처럼 기어다니고, 케이블 잡고 오르는 소프트 로봇, 로봇신문, Feb. 12, 2025
Amplitude of water pouring sound
M. Boudina et al. "Amplitude of water pouring sound," Physical Review Fluids 8, L122002 (2023)
Physicists have worked out how to pour water as quietly as possible, New Scientist, Nov. 30, 2023
Turning up the volume of pouring water, APS Physics, Dec. 21, 2023
Here’s the science behind the burbling sound of water being poured, ScienceNews, Jan. 8, 2024
찻잔에 조용히 물 따르려면? "물줄기를 두껍게", 연합뉴스, Jan. 20, 2024
Jumping of gigantic water striders on water
W. Kim et al. "Two different jumping mechanisms of water striders are determined by body size," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2219972120 (2023)
서울대·DGIST·베트남·프랑스 연구팀, 거대 소금쟁이 수면 도약 원리 규명, 조선일보, July 20, 2023
Examining how the world's largest water striders jump on water, PhysOrg, July 20, 2023
Jumpy types, Nature Physics News & Views, September 11, 2023
Growing soft materials with physical intelligence
C. J. Park et al. "Plant cell-like tip-growing polymer precipitate with structurally embedded multistimuli sensing ability," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, e2211416120 (2023)
주변 환경 따라 성장방향 바꾸는 인공물질 시스템 개발, 동아사이언스, January 4, 2023
Hygroscopic soft engines
B. Shin et al. "Thermodynamics of hygroresponsive soft engines: cycle analysis and work ratio," Physical Review Applied 18, 044061 (2022)
New models expand thermodynamics to humidity-driven engines that mimic plants, APS News, Nov. 10, 2022
Strong and fast hydrogel actuators
H. Na et al. "Hydrogel-based strong and fast actuators by electroosmotic turgor pressure," Science 376, 301-307 (2022)
Dressed for success: soft gel cloaked in membrane can snap brick, Nature Research Highlights, April 19, 2022
Wrap it up, Science Research Highlights, April 15, 2022
콘크리트도 뚫는 식물 뿌리 모방… 강력한 구동장치 나왔다, 조선일보, April 20, 2022
1g 소재만 써도 2cm 두께 벽돌 부수는 구동장치 개발, 동아사이언스, April 15, 2022
Morphing of particle rafts
K. Son et al. "Agile reversible shape-morphing of particle rafts," Soft Matter 17, 7554-7564 (2021)
Morphing of particle rafts, Physics Today 75 (3), 64, March 2022
Shape-shifting materials, Research Outreach, Dec. 10, 2021
Drop train
J. H. Lee et al. "From an elongated cavity to funnel by the impact of a drop train," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 921, A8 (2021)
On making holes in liquids, JFM Focus on Fluids, Nov. 4, 2021
Soft electroreceptors
W. J. Song et al. "Soft artificial electroreceptors for noncontact spatial perception," Science Advances 7, eabg9203 (2021)
가오리 피부가 ‘힌트’… 눈 감고도 사물 감지하는 센서 개발, 조선일보, Dec. 1, 2021
How birds build mud nests
Y. Jung et al. "Avian mud nest architecture by self-secreted saliva," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118, e20189509118 (2021)
몸무게의 100배 이상 견디는 제비 둥지의 비밀은 ‘침’이었다, 한겨레, January 12, 2021
제비 무게 100배 견디는 제비집의 비밀은 ‘침’, 조선일보, January 14, 2021
제비 몸무게 100배 견디는 둥지의 비밀은 '침', 경향신문, January 12, 2021
Why ice is so slippery
C. Yun et al. "Sliding on ice: Real contact area, melted film thickness, and friction force," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 160, 120166 (2020)
Ice-sliding visualized and explained by a novel technique, Advances in Engineering, April 15, 2021
Robotic spiderwebs
Y. Lee et al. "Ionic spiderwebs," Science Robotics 15, eeez5405 (2020)
Artificial spider web gets an ionic boost,, Aug. 13, 2020
자유자재로 물체 포획하고 스스로 세정하는 '인공 거미줄' 개발, 조선일보, July 16, 2020
거미가 먹이 잡 듯… ‘전기장 거미줄’ 로 68배 무거운 물체 포획, 문화일보, Aug. 19, 2020
Swelling sponges
J. Ha et al. "Poro-elasto-capillary wicking of cellulose sponges," Science Advances 4, eaao7051 (2018)
An absorbing study on the maths of sponges, Nature, March 30, 2018
물 먹은 스펀지가 팽창하는 이유?…서울대 연구팀 원리 규명, 연합뉴스, April 2, 2018
스펀지가 물 빨아들이는 원리 찾았다, 동아사이언스, May 23, 2018
서울대 김호영 교수팀, 액체 흡수와 팽창의 원리 밝혀, 베리타스 알파, April 2, 2018
서울대 김호영 교수팀, 액체 흡수와 팽창의 원리 밝혔다, 디지털 타임스, April 2, 2018
Moisture-gradient-driven soft robot
B. Shin et al. "Hygrobot: A self-locomotive ratcheted actuator powered by environmental humidity," Science Robotics 3, eaar2629 (2018)
Meet the tiny machines that harness humidity for power, Physics Central, May 15, 2018
An inchworm robot powered by humidity, Nature, January 24, 2018
Forget batteries: this tiny, wriggly robot runs on moisture, The Verge, January 26, 2018
Humidity-powered "inchworming" robots are coming to get you... slowly, Australia's Science Channel, January 25, 2018
Plant-Inspired Robots Inch Forward by Absorbing and Releasing Water, Inside Science News Service, January 24, 2018
수분 흡수해 앞으로 전진!…신개념 소형 로봇 탄생, YTN Science, February 19, 2018
습기만 있으면 로봇이 움직입니다, 동아일보, January 26, 2018
서울대 연구팀, 물로 가는 자동로봇 개발했다, 한겨레, January 25, 2018
서울대 연구팀, 물로 움직이는 소프트 로봇 개발, 연합뉴스, January 25, 2018
피부질환 치료, 물로 움직이는 로봇 개발, 문화일보, January 25, 2018
서울대 연구팀, 하계 다보스포럼 최신 연구성과 발표, 베리타스 알파, September 20, 2018
Self-burrowing rotary seeds
W. Jung et al. “Reduction of granular drag inspired by self-burrowing rotary seeds," Physics of Fluids 29, 041702 (2017)
Mimicking seed burrowing could lead to applications in robotics, Engineering and Technology, April 25, 2017
Nature plants a seed of engineering inspiration, EurekAlert, April 24, 2017
Mechanical Engineering Being Inspired By Burrowing Seeds, EngineersGarage, April 26, 2017
Nature plants a seed of engineering inspiration, ScienceDaily, April 24, 2017
Nature Plants a Seed of Engineering Inspiration, ScienceNewsline, April 25, 2017
Jumping on water
E. Yang et al. “Water striders adjust leg movement speed to optimize takeoff velocity for their morphology,” Nature Communications 7, 13698 (2016)
소금쟁이가 물 위에서 자유자재로 움직이는 원리 밝혔다, 조선비즈, Dec. 8, 2016
소금쟁이의 '점프'…과학으로 풀었다, 아시아경제, Dec. 8, 2016
J.-S. Koh et al. “Jumping on water: Surface tension-dominated jumping of water striders and robotic insects,” Science 349, 517-521 (2015)
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Robotic insect mimics nature’s extreme
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Robotic insect mimics nature’s extreme
moves, WYSSgazette, July 31, 2015
Video: Tiny robot walks, jumps on water,
Science News, July 30, 2015
The robot that jumps on water,
BBC, July 30, 2015
Minority Report-type insect
robots jump on water,
Reuters, July 30, 2015
Scientists Create Robotic Insect That Can
Jump on Water,
NBC, July 30, 2015
Never Mind Walking; Some Insects Can Jump
on Water, The New York Times, August 3, 2015
This bug-inspired robot can jump on water,
The Washington Post, July 30, 2015
Insekten als Vorbild: Dieser Mini-Roboter
hüpft übers Wasser, Spiegel, July 31, 2015
국내 연구진, 수면 위 뛰는 ‘소금쟁이 로봇’ 개발 성공,
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서울대' 소금쟁이 로봇, 몸무게가 고작 68mg…“수상
도약 로봇”,
조선일보, July 31, 2015
소금쟁이 로봇 개발, 표면 장력 최대한 활용…‘수상 도약 로봇’,
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자기 몸 14배 높이 점프하는 ‘소금쟁이 로봇’ 첫 개발,
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소금쟁이처럼 수면 점프하는 초경량 로봇 개발, 연합뉴스, July 31, 2015
물 위에서의 도약, 그 우아함의 재현, 서울대 사람들, 가을호, 2015
자연에서 찾은 미래, 생체모방기술, KBS TV 장영실쇼, January 17, 2016
Capillarity-guided microliquid patterning
Y. Lee et al. “Capillarity guided patterning of microliquids,” Small 11, 2789-2797 (2015)
Exploiting surface tension for patterned cell co-cultures, Advanced Science News, March 4, 2015
Harvesting wind energy
J. Bae et al. “Flutter-driven triboelectrification for harvesting wind energy,” Nature Communications 5, 4929 (2014)
An electric power plant on the roof of your car?, LA Times, September 23, 2014
A strange flutter generator strapped to the roof of a car producing useable power, Business Insider, September 24, 2014
운전하면서 전기 만든다, 동아사이언스, September 24, 2014
Renewable energy: Baby you can charge my car, Nature Asia, September 24, 2014
How we can harvest wind power from tiny flapping flags, Wired, September 23, 2014
Fluttering flags to harvest power looks promising to researchers, Techxplore, September 25, 2014
Hydrodynamics of fish gills
K. Park et al. “Optimal lamellar arrangement in fish gills,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111, 8067-8070 (2014)
Gill-on-a-chip illuminates evolution, Science, June 20, 2014
물고기의 아가미 주름, 그냥 있는 게 아니었네, 과학동아, June 2, 2014
Moisture-gradient-driven botanical motions
W. Jung et al. “Self-burial mechanics of hygroscopically responsive awns,” Integrative and Comparative Biology 54, 1034–1042 (2014)
Water's Tough Skin, Science, March 14, 2014
설익은 바이오 미세유체기술, 과학동아, March 14, 2014
Nanoscale 3D printing
M. Lee and H.-Y. Kim “Toward nanoscale three-dimensional printing: Nanowalls built of electrospun nanofibers,” Langmuir 30, 1210-1214 (2014)
나노(nano)로 직조해낸 3D 프린팅의 세계, 대학신문, May 3, 2014
3D '나노' 프린터 나왔다, 동아사이언스, March 27, 2014
3D printing goes nanoscale, Nature, March 20, 2014
FDM on the Nanoscale?, 3D Printing Industry Newsletter, February 20, 2014
3D printing builds a nanowall,, February 5, 2014
Nanotechnology is getting closer to 3D nanoprinting, Nanowerk, February 5, 2014
Writing with ink
J. Kim et al. “Hydrodynamics of writing with ink,” Physical Review Letters 107, 264501 (2011)
Hydrodynamics of writing with ink, Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter, August 2012
Let it flow, Nature Physics, December 1, 2011
How ink flows, ScienceShot, Science, November 22, 2011
From pen to paper,, December 29, 2011
Physics of writing is derived at last,, November 22, 2011
“글씨의 물리학: 펜과 종이 모세관의 잉크 줄다리기”, Science On, November 29, 2011
“만년필에서 잉크가 술술 나오는 이유”, 동아사이언스, February 20, 2012
Drop impact
M. Lee et al. "Drop impact on microwetting patterned surfaces," Physics of Fluids 22, 072101 (2010)
물방울로 빚은 '최첨단 나노 예술', KBS TV News 9, August 16, 2010
Tilted Janus pillars
M.-W. Moon et al. “Tilted Janus polymer pillars,” Soft Matter 6, 3926-3929 (2010)
Sticky materials from bent pillars, Highlights in Chemical Science, June 25, 2010
Replicating a sticky situation in nature, news@Northeastern, June 29, 2010 (Nanomegazine, June 30, 2010 and Small Times, July 1, 2010)
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Petite pottery, Nature, June 3, 2010
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세계서 제일 작은 '나노 도자기' 빚었다, 동아일보, June 8, 2010
나노 크기의 도자기, 연합뉴스, June 7, 2010
Bouncing on water
D.-G. Lee and H.-Y. Kim “Impact of a superhydrophobic sphere onto water, Langmuir 24, 142-145 (2008)
How to walk on water, Science, January 11, 2008
Scientists crack how insect bounces on water, Daily Telegraph, UK, December 7, 2007
로봇의 사부님은 동물, 중앙일보, January 21, 2008
Tiptoe acrobats get it just right, Science News, January 5, 2008
' 소금쟁이' 로봇, KBS TV News 9, December 12, 2007
소금쟁이 '점프의 비밀', 한국 과학자가 풀었다, 연합뉴스, December 11, 2007
Scientists discover how to make robots bounce on water, ENN, December 10, 2007
Solving another mystery of an amazing water walker, PhysOrg, December 10, 2007
Scientists discover how to make robots bounce on water, Environmental Graffiti, December 9, 2007
How water insects bounce on water without sinking revealed, Thaindian News, December 8, 2007