
Invited talk (selected)

17th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Beijing, China, "Caplliary flows in soft porous solids," Aug. 9, 2023

75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis, IN, "Mechanics of jumping by slamming against water," Nov. 20, 2022

The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on BIomechanics, Kyoto, Japan, "Crack formation in drying bloodstains," Dec. 2, 2021

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Champaign, IL, "Soft machines powered by environmental humidity," Oct. 26, 2021

25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, online, "Optimal designs of biological networks: Lungs and roots," Aug. 22, 2021

2021 Virtual MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, online, "Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Hygroresponsive Soft Machines and Engines," April 20, 2021

Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, "Powering and Actuation by Environmental Humidity," Jan. 16, 2020

The First International Conference On Nature Inspired Surface Engineering, New Jersey, USA, "Humidity-responsive Soft Machines," June 14, 2019

Scientific advice for the media

모범생이 아닌 창의적 지식인이 되어라, SNU NOW, December, 2018

Scaling down biomimicking robotics, World Economic Forum, August, 2018

붓, 종이, 먹물, 몸이 서로 힘을 주고 받아..., 중앙선데이 S매거진, August, 2017

자연의 신비로움을 기계로 구현하다, 과학동아, March, 2016

찰나를 포착하는 초고속 촬영으로 '흐름의 과학'을 보다, MBC News Desk, December 27, 2014

정교해진 3D 프린터, 의료분야에서도 '각광', KBS TV News Plaza, April 5, 2014

빙판 문지르는 컬링의 과학 '마찰력 변수', KBS TV News 9, February 1, 2014

평창 동계올림픽 '얼음의 과학', KBS TV News 9, March 2, 2013

디지털 시대, '아날로그 대표주자' 만년필 인기, Channel A News, March 2, 2012

윷놀이에 담긴 재미있는 과학, KBS TV News 9, February 3, 2011

깊어가는 가을 와인의 '물리학', KBS TV News 9, November 6, 2010

빗방울의 과학…태풍 폭우의 빗방울은 '타원형', KBS TV News 9, August 11, 2010